Archive for December 2017
2017 Year End Gratitude
People I trust have told me that practicing gratitude leads to feeling gratitude. Sure, I think, but some years (or days) make it easier than others to find the silver lining. 2017 has been brutal… still…. still… A story: Some years ago a young man had come to an impasse. He realized he had…
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The ancient Celts believed the new day began at sunset, as do modern pagans, Jews, and some Christians. Similarly, the ancients celebrated the new year on Samhain, October 31. I love this idea. I love the idea that there is a period of dark gestation prior to the actual birth. The ancient new year celebration…
Read MoreCassandra and #MeToo
It’s all over the news. Men behaving badly. As though that was news. It isn’t, of course. Has never been news. Not since the Old Goddess was replaced by a male God and women were pushed aside to occupy secondary roles — mother, daughter, wife — valued perhaps, but never equal. Disposable. Usable. Commodities and…
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