Wisdom Companion — the last, for Sr. Rita has gone Home.
Sr. Rita Woehlcke, my soul friend, my aman-cara, has gone home on this day, September 23, 2023, the day of the Autumnal Equinox, which the Irish call Mabon, when the wheel turns into the long, quiet, dark half of the year, a time to ponder death and grief, and to bring in the harvest, a…
Read MoreEulogy For My Brother, Ronnie.
My brother, Bernie, died from suicide, the result of alcoholism and depression on Easter Sunday, April 6, 1996. My brother, Ronnie, died from suicide, the result of addiction and depression on Good Friday, April 10, 2008. I have written about that here, in an essay called, April is the Cruelest Month. Every April I try…
Read More“We Learn By Going Where We Have To Go” – Wisdom Companion #6
Hello everyone, this is the latest news and wisdom from Sr Rita. You will find the five previous “Wisdom Companion” pieces from Sr. Rita by searching this site. “We learn by going where we have to go.” — The Waking, Theodore Roethke First, thank you for the prayers, love, light, and healing energy you have…
Read MoreOn The Death Of Animals
Someone told me they had to put their beloved eight-year-old cat to sleep quite unexpectedly. One day she was there, the next she left. My friend is in agony. We discussed a woman of our acquaintance named Moya, whose adored dog died. Moya dug a grave for her dog and then crawled into it for…
Read MoreWisdom Companion #1 – Cancer and Sr. Rita
Many of you, friends and readers, have heard me talk about Sr. Rita, who has been my aman-cara, my heart friend for these many years, and who is the inspiration for the character of Sr. Eileen in my latest novel, EVEN SO. Sr. Rita had breast cancer some years ago and we have now…
Read MoreMary Oliver, Brother Phap Dung, and Small White Dogs (My Dog Is Dying, Part III)
A NOTE TO READERS….. The title of this blog says almost everything. I will add a few things, though. This time is EXCRUCIATING. So much so that I will not be answering phone calls for the foreseeable future. Answering emails will be touch and go… and forgive me if you comment on this series of…
Read MoreMy Dog Is Dying (Part II)
A NOTE TO READERS….. The title of this blog says almost everything. I will add a few things, though. This time is EXCRUCIATING. So much so that I will not be answering phone calls for the foreseeable future. Answering emails will be touch and go… and forgive me if you comment on this series of…
Read MoreA Place In the World
Soon, my seventh novel, Even So will be born into the world. It’s almost here, or rather, it is here, insofar as my part of the labor is done, and it’s off in the capable hands of publishing midwives. This is always an anxious time, since the world proves itself crueler and less understanding with every…
Read MoreEven So…. #20
Someone asked me, Why don’t you name your blog by the number of days you’ve been in isolation? Snort. I wish I could remember, even so. Or, maybe I don’t. Maybe there’s something lovely about just living in one moment. This one. And then This one. It’s a spiritual thing. But make no mistake, I…
Read MoreEven So …#17
Day ? of the pandemic. I woke this morning to the news that someone we know, who used to live two doors from us has passed away from Covid19. The circle of friends, acquaintances, and loved ones grows tighter, closer, in spite of everything. I came across a quote from Peace Pilgram today: “With inner…
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