A Place In the World

“Even So” The new child.

Soon, my seventh novel, Even So will be born into the world. It’s almost here, or rather, it is here, insofar as my part of the labor is done, and it’s off in the capable hands of publishing midwives.

This is always an anxious time, since the world proves itself crueler and less understanding with every day, and one constantly worries how one’s beloved, fragile, child will be treated by strangers.

One can only hope to have done the work as well as possible, that readers/reviewers will understand my intentions, and that the book will find a place in the world.

There are two main characters in this book, Angela and Sr. Eileen. Both are struggling to come to grips with what they desire, what they have, what they’ve done, and with finding their place in the world. It’s about faith, and the loss of faith, forgiveness of self and others, and using love as a tool for mutual healing, rather than as a reward for good behavior. (Also, lust and family and ‘us vs them’ and justice and inequality, and reparation… all my usual themes!)

An interviewer said to me recently, “I’m so happy to see a book about faith. Almost no one is writing about faith these days.”  I’m not sure that’s entirely true, but it surely is true that more people are writing about other things, and faith is out of vogue in many circles. I think this is a pity, since faith, and what it means to be faithful, is to me at the heart of what it means to be human.

To be clear, though, that doesn’t mean one particular religion or another. It doesn’t even mean any religion. Faith is, to me, about being in relationship with something capable of filling me with awe, and humility; something capable of guiding me to do the next right thing.

Faith is also about being okay with whatever comes, even if it isn’t what one hoped, or planned.

The title derives from a poem called “Last Fragment” by Raymond Caver. Here’s the poem:

And did you get what you wanted from this life, even so?
I did. 

And what did you want?
To call myself beloved, to feel myself beloved on the earth.

This poem is on Carver’s headstone. I’d like to have it on mine, as well.

That’s what the book is about, I think, really. It’s about loving challenging, disturbing people, regardless, while at the same time not condoning questionable behavior. It’s about feeling loved, even if one happens to be a challenging, disturbing person (and who isn’t, at least some of the time?). It’s about looking up from whatever scrubby patch of ground you find yourself standing on, full of gratitude and wonder, and saying… oh, this is astonishing!

Even so.


  1. Abilgail W on August 5, 2021 at 5:59 pm

    Wow Lauren, sounds intriguing! I have people in my life that are difficult and I do find hard to look past some of their behavior, but I also recognize I can be a better person myself. And I’m inclined to believe faith does play an important role in my life, and I keep reminding myself I don’t have to fix every problem, I need to accept people where they are. I’m working at it. I much look forward to reading EVEN SO.
    kind regards, Abigail

    • Lauren B. Davis on August 5, 2021 at 7:49 pm

      Thanks for your comment, Abigail. Sounds to me like you’re doing all the right things. I hope you enjoy EVEN SO!

    • Joan Robb on August 10, 2021 at 2:31 am

      Congratulations Lauren on the “birth” of your 7th book! Just amazing how time has passed and life can still be so exciting. I eagerly await my copy coming from Canada in October.
      I really like that you state that faith does not have to be any religion.
      Love and hugs, Joan

      • Lauren B. Davis on August 10, 2021 at 9:06 am

        Thanks, Joan! It’s really kind of you. Fingers crossed that you like it!

  2. Katie Alexander on August 8, 2021 at 8:42 am

    Hello Lauren, I saw the announcement about you being part of the October 18th line-up for the Grimsby Public Library Author Series. They provided a link to your website and I was happy to read more about your work and about your forthcoming novel, Even So. Thanks for this moving blog post and your interesting description of it being “about loving challenging, disturbing people, regardless, while at the same time not condoning questionable behavior. It’s about feeling loved…” I’ve ordered the book, can’t wait to read it, and to hear you speak about it. warmly, Katie

    • Lauren B. Davis on August 8, 2021 at 10:03 am

      Thanks for commenting, Katie. I’m delighted to part of the Grimsby series, and I hope you find you something useful in “Even So.”

  3. BuriedInPrint on August 9, 2021 at 6:30 pm

    Very much looking forward to this and happy to share news of its “arrival”. Take care and talk soon!

    • Lauren B. Davis on August 9, 2021 at 6:43 pm

      That’s such good news!! I hope you find something useful in it! All best!

  4. Joan Robb on August 10, 2021 at 2:31 am

    Congratulations Lauren on the “birth” of your 7th book! Just amazing how time has passed and life can still be so exciting. I eagerly await my copy coming from Canada in October.
    I really like that you state that faith does not have to be any religion.
    Love and hugs, Joan

  5. Lise Mayne on September 9, 2021 at 11:59 pm

    Haven’t visited you in such a long time, Lauren, and was delighted to discover you have a new book. It sounds intriguing and captivating. I also liked your post on aging. We are the same age, and I certainly can relate, especially to the floaters in the eyes – so annoying. Best wishes on this publication!

    • Lauren B. Davis on September 10, 2021 at 12:03 am

      Thanks so much, Lise! Nice to hear from you. Hope all is well.

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