Book News
A Place In the World
Soon, my seventh novel, Even So will be born into the world. It’s almost here, or rather, it is here, insofar as my part of the labor is done, and it’s off in the capable hands of publishing midwives. This is always an anxious time, since the world proves itself crueler and less understanding with every…
Read MoreEven so?
My new book, which I anticipate will be published in the spring of 2021, deals with the challenge of loving difficult people. It’s called Even So, which comes from this final poem by Raymond Carver: And did you get what you wanted from this life, even so? I did. And what did you want? To…
Read MoreProust Questionnaire for Open Book Toronto
The lovely people at Open Book Toronto asked me to answer their “Proust” questionnaire. On their site they say: Lauren B. Davis is following strong on the heels of her hit book Our Daily Bread with The Empty Room (HarperCollins Canada) hitting the shelves just one year later. Though The Empty Room tackles a different…
Read MoreWhy Write About THEM?
Every now and then someone asks me, why do you write about people like that? I ask, people like what? Well, these folks say, you seem like a pretty happy person, more or less, and you have a great marriage and you like where you live and you love your dog and you don’t worry…
Read MoreMarch Madness
OUR DAILY BREAD needs your help! It’s upon us! Harper Collins Canada is running their March Madness event and OUR DAILY BREAD is competing. It’s what reader Christie M. calls “the book lover’s hockey pool.” Here’s how it works, every week 2 books face off in 4 ‘divisions’ and at the end of the voting…
Read MoreGreat Way to Start the Morning
Because I am a little neurotic and insecure and oscillate between wanting to be left alone to write and wanting people to remember I exist — in short, you know, a WRITER — I have a Google alert set up. Sometimes it brings me wonderful things, as it did this morning when I was alerted…
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