Ding! Round Two!



THANK YOU for the support so many of you have shown OUR DAILY BREAD by voting for it in the first round of Harper Collins’ March Madness.

Because of you, I’ve made it to the second round.  I’m delighted and incredibly grateful — especially since I beat out Colm McCann’s terrific book, LET THE GREAT WORLD SPIN.

And now, I am up again another formidable book.  Gulp.  TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD.  Now, look, I love that book, and wouldn’t for the world besmirch it; I’ve read it more than once and consider it a classic.  But still, come on, I can’t abandon my own wee book.  TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD will keep selling and keep finding new readers whether it wins this match-up or not, but for OUR DAILY BREAD — the newcomer, the little guy — the only way it will make it is with your help.

The competition!

The competition!

I hope you’ll consider continuing your support — voting for OUR DAILY BREAD (often, apparently you can vote multiple times a day) — and help me prove to my publisher, who took such a big risk publishing The Book No One Wanted, that they did the right thing.

It’s only through your votes that OUR DAILY BREAD stands a chance.  Go Team!  http://hccmarchmadness.ca/vote/vote-2013/

I’m deeply appreciative,





  1. angela kelley on March 11, 2013 at 9:11 pm

    Lauren, congratulations on making through Round ! in such a resoundingly successful manner. While I have great admiration for To Kill A Mockingbird, I’ll proudly vote for Our Daily Bread as often as the system will allow me!

    • Lauren B. Davis on March 11, 2013 at 9:14 pm

      Thanks, Angela! Most appreciated.

  2. Carmen on March 12, 2013 at 12:15 am

    A class literary book on every high school reading list versus another but contemporary book. Mockingbird is clearly a story that has stood the test of time. Our Daily Bread however shares the same evocative, provocative prose and heart. Our daily bread is worthy of a similar distinction and accolades. Please send some votes this way for the earnest, sad, uplifting and unexpectedly tragic story.


    • Lauren B. Davis on March 12, 2013 at 8:52 am

      Thanks so much, Carmen. Your words provide much solace, as I am being crushed (mocked!) by The Bird! Snort.

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