Inspiration and Illustrations
I’m back home from the tour now and hunkering in over the next novel amidst thunderstorms and trees crashing down and a wild turkey and her brood who have taken up refuge in our garden (which seems a strange decision given the trees crashing down).
Still, things are going on out there in the world and I thought I’d share them here. First, Canada Writes published an interview with me about openings . . . you know, waking up with a sock in your mouth. You can read more by clicking here.
Then, too, Jared Bland, who’s the new Books Editor at the Globe & Mail, interviewed me for a new feature they’re doing on what influences a writer. I am particularly pleased with this since it involves a cartoon of me, a cartoon which makes me look ten years younger and a little like Jane Urquhart, which is quite flattering. Here’s the illustration, by Anthony Jenkins:
You can read the interview by clicking here.
But really, don’t you think I look like Jane Urquhart:
And now, must run, because the Rescuepoo has just dashed in with his squeaky toy, insisting it’s PLAYTIME! Who am I to disagree?
Lauren, Congratulations. Love the cartoon of you and the photo of Jane Urquhart – there is a great resemblance, and both are very attractive!! Great to see you getting this deserved attention.
Thanks, Donna.
Hello Lauren, I just finished The Empty Room and was blown away by it. I like your program, which clearly is working “One day at a time”. Look forward to reading your other books.
Thanks so much, Rosanne. Yup. ODAAT! Am I mistaken, or were you at the North York Library reading?