Ten Fictional Characters I'd Want With Me On a Desert Island

I saw this meme going around Booklikes.com and thought it might be fun to give it a go.  I think I’m going to let myself edit this one as my preferences change over time.  Might be an interesting psychological study.

So, 10 Fictional characters I’d want with me on a desert island (in no particular order):

Robinson Crusoe, obviously, from Daniel Defoe’s novel.  I means, really, he’s been there before, right?  Knows the drill.

Aslan from C.S. Lewis’s THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE, since it’s quite nice to have the son of the Emperor of the Sea to hang out with.  He is beyond magical, terribly powerful, knows most everything and gives wonderful advice.  And he’s a big cuddly lion, which might come in handy.

Peter Lake from Mark Helprin’s WINTER’S TALE.  What can I say?  He’s handsome, a deft hand with machines of all kinds, devoted to honor, love and goodness, has experienced time travel and flying horses, has battled evil, and has a naughty twinkle in his eye, born of a dark past.

Dorothy Carlisle from my own OUR DAILY BREAD.  She’s no nonsense, practical and wise.  The sort of mind one needs in a crisis.

Ree Dolly from Daniel Woodrell’s WINTER’S BONE.  A younger, tougher, Dorothy.  She will kick ass, let nothing stop her and her bravery is an inspiration.

Doctor Thorne The eponymous country GP of Anthony Trollope’s novel.  Good to have a doctor around, and he’s a lovely man, moral and kind and decent, without pretension, which will be good in a small group.

LM Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables.  A red-haired, freckled orphan who faces the world with nothing but optimism and the force of her personality.  I think we might need her for morale boosting, if nothing else.  Besides she’s funny and lovable.  And she’s the future hope.

Rudyard Kipling’s Kim.  Described by the author as an ‘imp’, he’s independent and tough and a little arrogant.  I think he and Anne will get along.

Jeeves, the unflappable P.G. Wodehouse butler.  He can smooth over any situation and tolerates fools.  We may need that.  And he’s arch and funny, which I need.

Finally, Edgar Rice Burrough’s Tarzan.  Duh.

Okay, your turn… I’m sure I’ll want to add/change my answers after I hear yours!



  1. Fred Allingham on July 24, 2014 at 9:18 pm

    Lauren, how fabulous this list looks. Your reasons for selecting each of them are wonderful… and your choices also reflect your broad literary knowledge. Tarzan as your final pick is superb, made me laugh out loud!
    regards, Fred

    • Lauren B. Davis on July 25, 2014 at 10:58 am

      Thanks, Fred. Glad it gave you a chuckle!

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