Booklikes Interview

I love  I hopped over there after Amazon purchased Goodreads, since I didn’t like the idea of the monster retailer using the site to gather reader data. continues to grow and to add features every week.  They are responsive to readers and lovely to deal with.  You can look up reviews, follow people whose opinion you like, share book info on blogs… it’s fun and informative. I have found a number of terrific books — like Anthony Marra’s THE CONSTELLATION OF VITAL PHENOMENON — which otherwise I might have missed.

Look for me there and follow me if you like.  I’ll receive notification that you’ve done so, and then can follow you as well.

Recently they asked me to do an author interview, and I must say, they asked some really interesting questions.  They’re posting it in two parts, but the first part is up now. If you’d like to read it, please click here.

I’ll post the link to the second part of the interview when it’s up in a week or so.


  1. Veronica Bradley on August 28, 2014 at 8:52 am

    Thanks for the tip, will take a look.

    Thank you also for your regular musings, it is always refreshing to read your blog and I always enjoy your honest and altogether reassuring and intelligent commentaries.

    I am about to start an art based course (basic but it is a start) and can see the parallels between writing and practising another form of art – there are so many ways to procrastinate but so many rewards to come from the achievement, why don’t we start earlier? It always takes me about 20-25 minutes to switch from everyday life to beginning to work on my ongoing project, is this normal? I mean just how much tea can a person drink?

    Best regards, Veronica

    • Lauren B. Davis on August 28, 2014 at 9:07 am

      Drink as much tea as you need to, Veronica! But really, congratulations on starting the course. I hope it’s the start of something wonderful, and I’m sure it will be. There’s a very good (free download) book about the artist’s life you might like: I’ve been encouraging all my students to read it.

  2. Wendy on August 30, 2014 at 4:36 pm

    Great interview, Lauren. Always love your photos with Bailey. Such a sweet and smart (he can read!!!) pet companion.

    Look forward to the next half of the interview and also the next book, April, 2015. Seems too far away but then publishing takes such time with re-drafts, etc.

    Enjoy September.

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