Even So ..#10

Day ? of the pandemic.

A friend I haven’t seen in 35 years reached out to me from an island off the coast of British Columbia. So much to celebrate about her wonderful life, in spite of everything.

A friend’s daughter who has suffered a terrifying health crisis was embraced by a circle of caring people and now seems to be on the road to recovery, even so.

Never have I been so excited about cleaning products after a very kind person delivered two bottles of Lysol (DISINFECTANT!!!) spray for us, in spite of everything.

When I had a bit of an emotional crash late afternoon, my Best Beloved hung out in the kitchen with me as I cooked, making me feel safe again, even so.

The first wee sprouts on the lettuce and spinach have appeared, in spite of everything.

Today I’ll do some cleaning, and delight in shining countertops and the scent of lemons and sparkling windows instead of dog-nose-smudged one, and all shall be well, even so.

Stay safe beloveds, and let me know how you’re doing.


  1. Sharen on April 16, 2020 at 11:19 am

    Just finished reading “A Gentleman in Moscow” and loved it. A heart-stopping and perfect ending. Could hardly wait to wake up in the middle of the night to see what next would happen in the Count’s life. Master your circumstances – in isolation, hmm. Saw a bluejay on the grass, but he could not wait to have his picture taken. The high winds have made the lake turbulent, with crashing waves on the shoreline boulders and lots of spray (love lots of spray – it is exhilarating!). Someone created a huge heart on the grass in front of the windmill using large stones and thin branches to soften the edges. Many, many, many people walking, strollering, jogging, cycling…how wonderful is that, even so?

    • Lauren B Davis on April 19, 2020 at 6:58 pm

      I loved that book, too, Sharen. So much to offer us in terms of dignity and good manners and kindness.

      It sounds like you’re living in a blessed place. Enjoy, in spite of everything.

  2. Lynne Davis on April 19, 2020 at 6:19 pm

    Just came back from long walk along the Snake River and saw 2 beautiful bald eagles still flying high despite everything.

  3. Lauren B Davis on April 19, 2020 at 6:59 pm

    That’s marvelous! (Even so!)

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