Even So …. #18

Day ? of the pandemic.

I discovered this week that it’s quite easy to lose track of what day it is. I have a calendar and so forth, but even so.

Clouds, both sides, you know.

The clouds this morning were white and stone-grey mountains, full of threat and wonder both. I sat in the car and just gazed at them, for half an hour. I watched the sun and the shadow. I was astonished, and filled with joy, in spite of everything.

I’m told there is a mink on the other side of the creek, although I have seen it yet. A mink! All softness and sharp wee teeth, all gleam and slip-slide on the bank. I haven’t seen it yet, but I live in hope, even so.

The National Arts Center has made some of their plays available on Youtube for free,

Frankenstein, directed by Danny Boyle.

for limited periods of time. I watched Benedict Cumberbatch and Johnny Lee Miller in FRANKENSTEIN last evening. Cumberbatch plays the Creature one night (it will leave you speechless), and the doctor the next. I haven’t seen the second one yet, but I’m SO looking forward to it. Oh, what a gift the arts are, and what astounding work some people do, in spite of everything.

A friend sent a link to a blog called “Minding Our Lives”  by Pat Harrington. She reminded me of this poem by Mary Oliver:


Pay attention.  Be astonished.  Tell about it.

That’s it, that’s the entire poem. What more could there possibly be? and I thought again about clouds and mink and art, even so.

How are you doing, Beloveds? What’s astonished you today?


  1. Linda Williamson on May 1, 2020 at 8:40 pm

    thank you Lauren. I love your posts, and see you’re living up to Mary Oliver’s Instructions for Living A Life … you are very good at paying attention, being astonished (and grateful), and telling us about it. Keep the updates coming, I look forward to them. with gratitude and appreciation to you, Linda

    • Lauren B. Davis on May 2, 2020 at 9:25 am

      Thanks so much for your comment, Linda. I’m not sure anyone can live up to Mary Oliver’s instructions, but I do find them deeply inspiring, in spite of everything. Quite a world we’re living in these days, although I am hopeful much good — especially for our poor, beleaguered planet — will come from it. Stay safe and well.

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